Your Speech Therapy VIP Day
Step one - strategy call
Prior to your Intensive Speech Therapy VIP day, you will have a strategy call with your speech therapist to prepare you for the day and determine a plan of action. Your therapist will ask you questions to briefly assess your child’s skills. Your therapist will also answer any questions you may have about the VIP day. The strategy call will last from 20-30 minutes.
STEP Two - VIP DAY Evaluation
You will sign in to your online session with your speech therapist. Your therapist will preform a comprehensive online speech and language evaluation to determine where your child’s strengths lie with respect to communication and to help determine where they may need support. After the evaluation, your speech therapist will engage your child in a short therapy session and give you tips to improve your child’s communication. Last, you will be provided with “homework” to practice during a break. This portion of the VIP Day will last approximately 2 hours
STep three - VIP DAY break session
You will break during your VIP Day. During this break, you can take some time to practice the strategies your therapist taught you during the trial therapy session with your online speech therapist. You can record yourself practicing these strategies to later receive feedback from your therapist. This break will last from 3-4 hours.
step four - vip day results, therapy, and parent coaching
After your break, you will sign back into your online session with your speech therapist. Your therapist will provide you with the written results of the speech and language evaluation as well as a personalized plan of care that includes speech and language goals for your child as well as how to target those goals at home. Your therapist will explain the results of the evaluation and plan of care in depth. Then, your therapist will review the practice videos you recorded during your break and provide you feedback for how to support your child’s speech and language goals. Your therapist will then participate in another therapy session in which she will continue to teach you and your child.
step five - Continuing support for 30 days, 3 months, or 6 months after your vip day
You can choose to receive speech therapy support which includes additional therapy follow-up sessions, additional resources, unlimited access to your speech therapist, and parent coaching sessions for either 30 days, 3 months, or 6 months following your Speech Therapy VIP Day.