Online Speech Therapy Parent Coaching Program

$100 per week

A customized parent training program designed to fit into your busy schedule and meet your needs


HOw does it work?

This portion of the program will last for 3 weeks:

During the first 3 weeks of the program, you will participate in live online speech therapy sessions.

You work with your online speech therapist 2 times per week.

Each therapy session will be 30-minutes long.

  • Your online speech therapist will provide personalized speech therapy sessions each week to work on your child’s speech and language goals

  • During your live sessions, your online speech therapist will invite you to participate in speech and language activities. Your therapist will guide you through how to work with your child to improve their speech and language skills.

  • In your live sessions, your online speech therapist will walk you through how to preform certain speech and language strategies at home. You will receive live feedback during sessions which will help build the foundation for you to become more independent in your own ability to teach your child at home.

  • You will be provided guidance on how to practice between sessions.

  • Throughout the week, you get unlimited access to your therapist via text, phone calls, or emails during business hours.


How does it work?

After your 3 weeks of live online therapy sessions, you will then begin the parent coaching portion of the program.

You work with your online speech therapist three times per week and get:

One live 30-minute speech therapy session with your online speech therapist


Two collaborative coaching sessions with your speech therapist

  • During your live 30-minute speech therapy session via Zoom, you and your child will work with your speech therapist to target speech and language goals

  • You will receive support for home practice between sessions. You and your speech therapist will share an online drive - each week, you will send your speech therapist two short videos of you working with your child using the strategies you learned in therapy. You will receive timely feedback on your videos to help you become your child’s speech teacher.

  • On your shared drive, your therapist will provide you with resources, materials, activities, and all the support you need to build your own speech therapy tool box

  • Throughout the week, you get unlimited access to your therapist via text, phone calls, or emails during business hours.


Note* The program above is available for NJ, CA, WA, and NC residents. those living in other states can begin the parent coaching portion of the program immediately.